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Everything You Need to Know About Under-Eye Fillers

If you can’t seem to cover those dark circles under your eyes no matter how much concealer or eye cream you use, then you may want to consider under-eye filler. A loss of volume in the “tear trough” under under eye region can create a shadow causing you to look tired, even when well-rested.

Under-eye fillers can work wonders in brightening your under-eye area and giving it a lift. However, it isn’t a viable option for everyone, so it is essential to research the treatment and speak with our staff prior to being treated. Here’s what you should know about this popular treatment!

What Are Under-Eye Fillers?

Under-eye fillers are usually done with Juvederm or Restylane dermal fillers. The filler substance is placed in the under-eye region (otherwise known as the tear trough) to fill out the hollow and reduce the shadowing that causes a fatigued appearance.

If you have darker skin underneath your eyes due to natural pigmentation (melasma), or you have large under-eye bags, then filler probably won’t do much to help. Under-eye filler is only useful for individuals who have dark circles due to a localized hollowing, or lack of volume in the area.

How Do They Work?

Dermal fillers contain hyaluronic acid, which stimulates collagen's natural production, creating natural-looking fullness beneath the eyes.

For the actual treatment, we use a numbing cream containing similar medications as those used for “local freezing” for stitching cuts or at the dentist. The area is cleaned and disinfected. A port-needle is typically inserted near the cheek that allows a safer cannula to be used. These soft-tipped insertion devices do not cut, and as such reduce bruising and increase safety by protecting important structures within the face. Finally, your Cosmetic Nurse will inject her choice of Restylane dermal fillers into the treatment area to smooth out that hollowing! You may notice at this point that your face becomes a bit numb, this is because of the lidocaine (“local freezing”) that is within the Restylane filler itself for comfort. This is normal and lasts about an hour or two.

The area under your eyes is delicate, and the skin is thin; for these reasons, it is important that you use a qualified professional to ensure you get the best result possible. While bruising and swelling are typical side-effects of under-eye filler, best results need experienced staff like our nurses to avoid lumping and asymmetry.

Fortunately, any rare side-effects can generally be easily treated, and bruising should go down within a few days. Once your eye area has recovered, you’ll notice the immediate effects of the filler, which can last for up to a year.

How Much Do They Cost?

Depending on where you go, the cost of under-eye fillers can vary. Higher-quality treatments are often a little more expensive, and you’re paying for first-rate dermal filler substance and a qualified professional to carry out the service.

Most people will need a single syringe for under-eye fillers, costing $575 at the current time; although everyone is different, its unusual to need significantly more or less.

Who is Eligible?

If you have hollow tear troughs and dark circles under your eyes, then under-eye filler is a great option. You may have a naturally hollow eye area due to your genetics and bone structure, or it could be a side-effect of aging. As we grow older, we lose natural volume in our face, and the space between our eyes and cheeks is one of the most common areas where people lose fat.

Book Your Under-Eye Filler Treatment Today

Are you ready to give your under-eye area some volume and improve its appearance? At Waterloo Medical Cosmetics, we are highly skilled in using dermal fillers to help people achieve a natural and brighter-looking appearance.

Perhaps you’ve seen images of the effect of under-eye fillers, before and after, and want to experience the benefits for yourself. Text us at (226) - 887 - 1208 or contact us through our website, and we'll be in touch with you to discuss your options and begin the process of smoothing out your under-eyes!

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